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29 July 2010


New website for route planning with all relevant information on LEZ in Europe
A new website for route planning providing all relevant information on Low Emission Zones in Europe.
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France sets high priority on urban transport until 2030
The draft of the Transportation Plan published on July 12, 2010, by the Minister of Ecology, Jean-Louis Borloo, reveals plan to inject some 50 billion Euros investment towards urban public transport.
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Dutch bus and coach sector throws its weight behind Smart Move
The IRU's Dutch Member Association, KNV, has launched the Smart Move campaign in the Netherlands.
Read the entire story.


Smart Move: Double the use of buses and coaches in Russia and the CIS region
Smart Move campaign advocates doubling the use of buses and coaches in Russia and the CIS region to improve social cohesion, safety and the environment.
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On-street ticket machines

Ticket machines located on the streets allow passengers to buy their tickets in advance, therefore reducing boarding time.



That 1 coach can replace up to 50 cars?


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With today’s increasing focus on customer service, company managers and bus/coach drivers must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to adapt to customers’ needs and anticipate the use of technologies that help improve the customers’ experience. In the face of these challenges, the road transport training industry needs an exemplary framework for capacity-building to enhance road safety but also its professionalism, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability.


Example: The IRU Academy, which boasts a high level advisory committee composed of representatives from the European Commission, the World Bank, the UNECE, the International Transport Forum, the European Transport Workers Federation and the European Training Foundation is the training arm of the International Road Transport Union (IRU). The IRU Academy acts as a global body that works with its partners and panels of experts to provide a training framework for the benefit of the road transport industry, its customers and society as a whole.


For more information:

Driver program and training, IRU Academy



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