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Home High Level Groups European Citizens' Mobility Forum


The European Citizens' Mobility Forum is composed of EU institution officials, business representatives and city representatives, trade associations, researchers and stakeholders from civil society. The ECMF opens its membership to all other stakeholders willing to join forces and share their best practices and experience.


// European Commission


Eddy Liégeois, Head of Unit, DG MOVE D3, European Commission

// European Parliament


Wim van de Camp, Member of the European Parliament, EPP Transport Coordinator
Ismail Ertug, Member of the European Parliament, S&D Transport Coordinator

Gesine Meißner, Member of the European Parliament, ALDE Transport Coordinator

Ines Ayala Sender, Member of the European Parliament, S&D

// Other EU Institutions

Jan Simons, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC), TEN Section



Gordon Modro, Administrator, Committee of the Regions (COR), COTER Commission

// Road Transport Industry

Oleg Kamberski, Head - Passenger Transport (CTP), International Road Transport Union (IRU)



Thomas Avanzata, Director of the European Department, International Association of Public Transport AISBL (UITP)


Yves Mannaerts, Director/ IRU Vice President, Fédération Belge des exploitants d’Autobus et d’Autocars et des Organisateurs de Voyages (FBAA)

Steven Salmon, Director of Policy Development, Confederation of Passenger Transport UK (CPT)

Mikael Persson, Business Development: Commercial Line Bus and Coach services, The Swedish Bus and Coach Federation
Hubert Andela, Secretary General, Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer (KNV) Taxi
John Gilbert, President, Eurolines


Piers Marlow, President, European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO)


Jan Möllmann, Secretary General, European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO)



// Partner Organisations

Trevor Garrod, President, European Passenger Federation (EPF)

Bruno Gaurier, Political Counselor, European Disability Forum (EDF)


Katherine Naughton, Director, European Disability Forum (EDF)

Ivo Cré, Senior Manager, European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions (POLIS)


Nick Greenfield, Head of Tour Operator Relations, European Tour Operators Association (ETOA)








High Level Group 


 Events Calendar


The European Citizens’ Mobility Forum opens its membership to all other stakeholders sharing the objective of doubling the use of collective land passenger transport willing to join forces and share their best practices and experience.


Citizens are also encouraged to share their opinions and make contributions.




Rémi Lebeda

Tel: +32 2 743.25.92

E-mail: remi.lebeda@iru.org



Sonila Metushi

Tel : +32 2 743.25.86
E-mail: sonila.metushi@iru.org

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