29 April 2013 - Claire Haigh, Chief Executive of Smart Move partner and sustainable transport group, Greener Journeys, , joined Transport Minister Norman Baker to start Catch the Bus Week 2013 in the UK, to increase awareness of the benefits of bus travel including, convenience, value for money and environmental benefits – reducing the carbon footprint from transport and improving local air quality. The campaign also aimed to encourage first time or infrequent users to give the bus a try, as well as persuading drivers to take a billion fewer car journeys.
Each bus company ran their own initiatives to engage with bus users, both old and new, and some bus companies provided ticket offers, initiatives with local charities and community events.
Ms Haigh commented on the importance of buses in society, “Buses play a crucial role in our society from getting children to school, carrying people to work, shops or to local parks or swimming pools day in and day out. Buses support the economy”.
She also highlighted the vital role buses play in greening the environment, “Buses help reduce congestion on roads, promote social inclusion by providing a link to those without other means and reduce our carbon footprint and the effect of our trips on the environment”.
Norman Baker, UK Minister for Transport also backed the campaign,“Modern buses are clean, green and safe. They are a lifeline for many people, and an important cog in the engine of economic growth. Surveys show that the vast majority of bus riders are satisfied with their experience. The challenge is to get more people to give buses a go, which is why this campaign is so important”.
Discover more about ‘Catch The Bus Week’