Last month saw the completion of the UK’s national Bus for Jobs scheme coordinated by Greener Journeys, which enabled jobseekers to travel free on their local bus services throughout January 2013. Initial estimates show that some 45,000 free bus journeys were made, attracting significant media and political attention.
25 February 2013 - Designed as a one month offer, the significance of the Bus for Jobs scheme goes far beyond. Firstly, it has raised awareness of local bus services with jobseekers and employment agencies, and of job seekers with bus companies, many of whom have either decided to extend the offer or are now looking at what longer term discounts they can offer. Secondly, it has succeeded in raising awareness across government and the media of the importance of buses to the wider economy.
The scheme was covered by every single UK national newspaper and featured heavily across the broadcast media in regular news bulletins and programmes, highlighting the importance of buses as lifelines to jobs. The Bus for Jobs scheme was even the subject of questions in the House of Commons.