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The number of passengers using buses and trams in Bordeaux has risen by a quarter in the last 3 years since the restructuring of the urban transport network, putting them well on the way to double bus use within 10 years! The network is to be expanded further in May 2013 to meet the growing demand.
25 February 2013 - The number of passengers using buses and trams in Bordeaux has risen by a quarter in the last 3 years since the restructuring of the urban transport network. The network is to be expanded further in May 2013 to meet the growing demand. This puts it on course to meet Bordeaux’s goal of carrying 140 million passengers per year.
In 2012, the network transported 117 million people or 8.4 million more passengers than in 2011.Over three years, traffic growth saw a 24% increase. This expansion follows the increase in network service frequency, the creation of dedicated bus lanes, the adoption of bus priority measures at road junctions and the introduction of new lines. Figures speak for themselves: the results have left the transport system better able to compete with the private car.
In 2013, the bus network will continue its development by offering new services in the north of Bordeaux and some existing bus lines will get a revamp to attract even more customers.
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