Home News Newsletters - Smart Move Global

Yes, time really has passed so quickly that it is now time to welcome you again to the December issue where you can join us in celebrating the great news and forward thinking from Germany, that has, in the past 12 months, surpassed the Smart Move aim of doubling bus and coach use. It sets a New Year's goal for us all to match their achievements through our innovation and hard work.
But that's not all! You can discover how Bus Rapid Transit can not only bring relief to congested Indian cities but can also save lives around the globe - no small accomplishment! You will also find news on the latest Green developments in America and Europe and meet Smart Move's latest partner. And this holiday issue would be incomplete if we didn't take the opportunity to highlight the festive customer care that our sector's staff bring to their work. Enjoy the read and have a great holiday.
- The Smart Move team
Sustainable public transport saves lives
5 December 2013
A new report by transport researchers demonstrates that investing in sustainable transport can save lives.
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France to boost long-distance bus travel
13 November 2013
In France, only 2% of long-distance travel is done by bus, against 4-5% in Britain and Sweden, where the market is liberalised. Long-distance buses are underutilised, says the French competition authority, and an inter-regional network could be expanded at a low cost to society.
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Long-distance buses join forces with German taxis for better customer service
19 November 2013
A new cooperation agreement between German taxi operators and a long-distance coach service provider aims to improve customer service by providing passengers with an option that will ensure they reach their destination in case coach service is disrupted.
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BRT: perfect solution to transport problems in India?
18 November 2013
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) could be the answer to some of India’s travel and commuting problems with modal share likely to increase from 27% to 40% and decrease the number of accidents in larger cities.

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Natural gas buses arrive in Warsaw and Olsztyn
7 November 2013
Public transport is becoming more eco‐friendly in Warsaw, as the Polish capital municipal transport company Miejskie Zakłady Autobusowe (MZA), decides to add 35 articulated LNG buses to its vehicle fleet.
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California will welcome America’s first electric school bus
4 November 2013
Developed in California, America’s first electric school bus will not only bring environmental improvements, but could also end up saving school authorities thousands of dollars. The bus could be picking up California students by 2014.
A Christmas hero: Meet bus driver Margaret Pannell
29 November 2013
Bus driver Margaret Pannell started off by trying to cheer up depressed people over the Christmas period by decorating her bus. Now, 16 years later, she is a Newcastle institution.
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Smart Move welcomes FIAA as new strong partner
3 December 2013
Continuing its global growth, FIAA, the oldest and largest bus and coach trade fair in Spain, joins the Smart Move community to seek a doubling of bus and coach use.
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