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Summer is finally here and holiday time is just around the corner. With many of you off on your travels in Europe don’t forget to find out the latest about your new rights as passengers, check the top 10 coach tourism destinations and save the date for our event in Riga''s bus and coach terminal on 5 September.
In this issue, you will also learn about the upcoming 8th Bus & Coach Forum at Busworld Kortrijk and the staggering response to this year’s Smart Move Award, discover how three London women are making the most out their free bus travel pass and how the city is showing off its cool new bus to the rest of the world.
Congratulations also to Brighton in the UK which has doubled the use of buses in the city – a huge step forward. Oh! And talking of huge steps, see how the USA is finally embracing the environmental benefits of long distance coach travel and how Washington is tackling its horrendous traffic with a new BRT scheme.
Enjoy your well earned break and we’ll see you in September!
- The Smart Move team

05 July 2013 25 finalists from 13 countries on three continents enter the final stage of the global IRU Smart Move Awards 2013 competition.
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01 July 2013
Eurolines demands Member States follow through on passenger rights commitments and calls on the European Commission to take action to ensure coach passengers benefit fully from the new proposals, including identifying key coach terminals across the 28 EU Member bloc.
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11 June 2013
Three retired women traveling every bus route in London star in a film on the Freedom Pass, a London scheme offering free travel to older and disabled passengers across all modes.
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27 June 2013
America has joined the rest of the world in the fight against climate change with President Obama marking a key shift in policy in June. . Buses and coaches are now leading the way in the USA in helping to meet the countries climate change obligations.
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31 May 2013
Washington DC is to get a major boost in its fight against traffic congestion and pollution with a new Bus Rapid Transit scheme for the city that will link some of its key suburbs.
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17 June 2013
Warsaw becomes the latest city to trial electric buses with the arrival of a Chinese built vehicle that runs on electricity with fully recyclable batteries.
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27 June 2013
The new version of the iconic London bus is on a world tour to promote greener bus transport, improved passenger comfort and vehicle design to other cities across the globe. The Smart Move team could not resist a peak when it arrived in Brussels.
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Preparing your summer vacation? Check out 10 of the best coach tours, selected by The Telegraph for you!

The French bus and coach industry is recruiting over 10,000 drivers, mechanics and managers, to replace retiring workforce and meet increasing public transport demand. Young and experienced professionals both welcome!
Take the bus and boost employment.
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18 June 2013 – By focusing on passenger needs and public-private partnership, Brighton and Hove has doubled the number of bus journeys in 20 years.
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Save the date for the Smart Move workshop on bus and coach terminals, to take place in Riga''s coach terminal on 5 September 2013.
Stay tuned for the programme and registration!
Register now!
8th IRU European Bus and Coach Forum on "European group tourism by coach: Driving seniors’ and off-season tourism" in Kortrijk, Belgium on 17 October, in partnership with Busworld.

