Home News Newsletters - Smart Move Global

The smart move is certainly catching on. This month saw the inaugural meeting of the European Commission supported Smart Move High Level group that shares the same aims as the Smart Move campaign. Also in this issue, discover the new global database on every bus rapid transit (BRT) system worldwide, and learn how BRT is continuing to grow in the USA with new links between major cities.
Also find out how the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development is fully aligned with Smart Move's rationale of green growth and jobs in tourism, how public-private cooperation is bringing change to Dijon, and how Viet Nam’s cities stand to gain from new clean buses.
- The Smart Move team
The United Nations International Energy Agency and two international NGOs have teamed up to launch the most comprehensive, public database of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems around the world. The new site shows that 134 cities have BRT systems, serving 22 million passengers a day.
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Tourism experts from international organisations, United Nations agencies and the tourism sector have outlined how green innovation in tourism, including transport, can drive sustainable development by reducing costs, boosting revenue, creating jobs and improving resource efficiency. Quite a smart move!
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Rapid transit between New Jersey and Philadelphia
A new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is being proposed to link New Jersey with Philadelphia. The new BRT would carry nearly 7,000 passengers per day, reduce congestion on a key commuter route, reduce journey times and expand the existing park and ride system by more than 2000 spaces.
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Dijon orders 102 new hybrid buses in PPP deal
The authorities of Greater Dijon, France have signed a joint partnership with Heuliez Bus and Barclays, as part of a public private partnership (PPP) for the purchase of 102 hybrid buses. This is the largest order of this type of vehicles in France.
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Diesel-electric buses to be emission free
Viet Nam will soon get new diesel-electric hybrid buses that will cut fuel consumption by up to 50% resulting in substantial cost and emissions reduction.
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Smart Move awards first outing in Italy
Italian Smart Move Partners ANAV presented the first newly instigated Smart Move Awards for innovation and excellence in coach tourism, regular long distance services, and local public transport. The awards were presented to the winners on 21 June 2012 in Rome
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Did you know that school buses are 50 times safer than other forms of transport used for taking children to and from schools?
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New Zealand’s ‘Touch and Go’ smart move
A smart phone app in New Zealand allows customers to board buses and pay their fare simply by swiping their smart phone. The app will enable travellers to pay for bus and taxi fares as well as small retail purchases.
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Annual Conference
Rotorua, New Zealand 08 – 11 July 2012
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