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Bath wins through to £40million for new buses


A virtuous circle: innovative and cooperative transport policies pay off and help support sustainable mobility and new investments.


The UK city of Bath has won a share of GBP 40 million for new buses by developing and implementing an exceptional transport policy in cooperation with its neighbours. 


Recently,  Bath joined forces with neighbouring towns and cities to develop a Joint Local Transport Plan (JLTP), which requires cooperation in a number of areas including land use and planning, public transport provision, and access to sustainable forms of transport. Approved and assessed by the UK Government to be of a high standard, the project has helped develop an integrated approach to transport in the city and the excellent returns from the plan lead to the award for new buses. The cash for new buses represents the largest investment in new vehicles outside of London. 


Bath has for some years been at the forefront of new public transport ideas, acting as a test laboratory for innovative transport through the European funded CIVITAS RENAISSANCE project.  


For more information please click on the following link: http://travelplus.org.uk/public-transport

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