| Fuel efficient driving | Teaching bus and coach drivers fuel efficient driving helps operators cut emissions. Nevertheless, the essential basis for efficient driving is a constant speed, and that is why bus priority measures have to be introduced beforehand. Example: All 13 500 of Stagecoach’s bus and coach drivers will complete a course in fuel efficient driving. | For more information: Greener Journeys, Make the switch to bus and coach, p.2 http://www.arrivabus.co.uk/uploadedFiles/Resources/Global/Greener%20Journeys%20pamphlet.pdf Greener Smarter Together, Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2009, Stagecoach group, p.11 http://www.stagecoachgroup.com/scg/media/publications/policydocs/csr2009.pdf Eco-Driving checklist for bus and coach drivers http://www.iru.org/index/bookshop-display-action?id=246 | | Low-carbon vehicles | The introduction of low-carbon vehicles supports the decrease of fuel consumption. Various low-carbon technologies include hybrid buses, lighter vehicles, hydrogen and electric buses and coaches. Example: In the UK, the Green Bus Fund is a new GBP 30 million fund from which bus and coach companies and local authorities can compete for funds to help them purchase new low-carbon buses. Its main purpose is to support and hasten the introduction of hundreds of low-carbon buses across England. | For more information: Greener Journeys, Make the switch to bus and coach, p.2 http://www.arrivabus.co.uk/uploadedFiles/Resources/Global/Greener%20Journeys%20pamphlet.pdf CIVITAS in Europe, A proven framework for progress in urban mobility, p.6 http://civitas.eu/docs1/CIVITAS_D8_Final.pdf Green Bus Fund, http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/regional/buses/greenbusfund/ | | Usage of renewable energy and alternative fuels | Biodiesel, ethanol and biogas represent the main bio-fuels which are currently available. All three bio-fuels produce less CO2 emissions than traditional fuels. Example: In the city of Graz the majority of biodiesel is produced by rapeseed oil, but nevertheless a considerable amount of used cooking oil is converted into biodiesel. Used cooking oil is collected from about 250 restaurants in Graz, benefiting the restaurants as well, through not paying the disposal fee. Furthermore, used cooking oil is also collected from households. The cooking oil is filtered and injected in the ordinary production line of biodiesel. Graz was able to collect 260 tonnes of used cooking oil in 2006, which was converted into enough biodiesel for the operation of 26 buses for the entire year. The city of Lille produces biogas from household waste, which is used to power 128 of the city’s bus fleet. | For more information: Sustainable Urban Transport, Final report from the European project Trendsetter, p.36 http://www.civitas-initiative.org/docs1/CIVITAS_TRENDSETTER_Final_Policy_Report.pdf CIVITAS in Europe, A proven framework for progress in urban mobility, p.10 http://civitas.eu/docs1/CIVITAS_D8_Final.pdf What European framework for a sustainable urban transport, Green paper on urban transport, Position paper, UITP, p.4 www.uitp.org/mos/positionspapers/31-en.pdf London congestion charging http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/sixth-annual-impacts-monitoring-report-2008-07.pdf | | Teaching sustainable transport in schools | As lessons learnt during childhood often affect future habits, children taught and informed about sustainable transport at school are likely to use collective/public transport now and during their entire lives. | For more information: Sustainable Urban Transport, Final report from the European project Trendsetter, p.40-41 http://www.civitas-initiative.org/docs1/CIVITAS_TRENDSETTER_Final_Policy_Report.pdf BDO BUSSTOP Campaign http://www.busstop.de/index.php?id=18 | |