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Mobility Management

Mobility management helps convince the public to change their travel behaviour through the development of strategies and actions for fulfilling the transport needs of companies, institutions and individuals. Mobility management activities are often seen as “soft measures” and include new possibilities of managing mobility demand, such as travel plans and awareness campaigns.


Example: Through company mobility plans, Nantes is promoting the use of collective/public transport. The project involves approximately 2 200 municipal employees and 11 000 private sector employees, as well as the business community. The new travel plans are aimed at a 50% reduction of fares for the public transport of employees possessing annual passes and the removal of employee car parking spaces.


For more information:

Sustainable Urban Transport, Final report from the European project Trendsetter, pp. 38-40

CIVITAS in Europe, A proven framework for progress in urban mobility, pp.17-19

Greener Journeys, Make the switch to bus and coach, p.2



Financial incentives for passengers through parterships with other sectors

Insurance companies offer reduced prices for the car-insurance of annual collective/public transport subscribers.


Example: Veolia Transport, together with GMF Assurances, work together in such a partnership agreement and offer for the principal car driver a 10% reduced annual insurance rate, if he/she has an annual public transport subscription.


For more information:

GMF et Véolia sont partenaires autour du thème de l'écoresponsabilité.


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