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Most cost-effective way to travel





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Most cost-effective way to travel

Buses and coaches are the new cost-effective kings worldwide!

In Europe, public transport carried out by private operators is extremely cost-efficient. According to the European Commission, regulated competition brings advantages to everybody.

In the US, coaches provide cost-effective mobility to millions of Americans at virtually no cost to taxpayers, while other transportation sectors receive billions in annual federal subsidies.

Did you know that replacing subsidised air travel with inter-city buses would cut costs by 68%!

In fact, private commercial coaches account for merely USD 0.06 of federal subsidies per passenger trip, public transit (urban transport) received USD 0.77 per passenger trip, while commercial air carriers received USD 4.32 per passenger trip, and Amtrak, the U.S. railway company, USD 46.06 per passenger trip.

In the UK, over 85% of all public bus services are provided commercially without public subsidies.

In Finland, 83 % of public transport services provided by private companies are covered without public financing.

Buses and coaches cover full infrastructure costs!

In most European countries, buses and coaches pay between 1.5 and 2 times as much through various taxes and charges as bus and coach-related government expenditure, including investment in new roads and maintenance of existing ones.



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►Long distance travel for budget-conscious travellers!


Bus vs. car: show me the money



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