Home News Newsletters - Smart Move Global

Welcome to the latest global trip around the bus and coach world. This month you can discover what all the fuss is about and read all the 16 Smart Move policy recommendations presented to the European Commission to double bus and coach use in Europe that will bring the cuts in carbon, congestion, and accidents, and increase economic activity and employment that we all want and need.
Fed up with flight delays, tax hikes, polluted environment, and being stuck in traffic? Then you may also want to read how public transport by bus and coach is providing tailor-made solutions in the US, Jamaica, France and Malaysia, and participating in government savings and mobile technology development for ever increasing efficiency and user satisfaction. Enjoy your reading!
- The Smart Move team

Flight delayed? Travel by coach!
As flight delays in America continue to soar in the face of government spending cuts, passengers are learning to make the Smart Move and are taking the coach instead to save both time and money.
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Private bus operators are best cost-effective solution for governments
In times of economic hardship and government spending cuts, a new study from Canada shows that governments could save up to a fifth on public bus services by switching to private operators instead of increasing fares and taxes or slashing services.
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Buses in Jamaica carry climate change message
Last month, the Jamaican Ministry of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change unveiled a bus advertising campaign which seeks to draw national attention to the critical issue of climate change.
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Opening transport data to solve traffic problems
According to a recent study, traffic problems in the world’s 30 largest cities costs USD 266 billion per year. The study’s authors advocate the opening of transport data to facilitate mobile information and encourage drivers to leave their cars at home and take the bus.
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Growing market for long distance coach lines in France
Coach travel has once again demonstrated its affordability and flexibility on international routes from Amsterdam to Marseille, with two new stops in Paris and Lyon for a low price of USD 50.
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Luxury coach booking services move forward in Malaysia
Online booking of long distance luxury and express coaches in South East Asia has taken another step forward with three new major bus and coach operators joining Easibook.com, which currently handles over 5,000 departures a day and covers journeys in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
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Today, we are Celebrating World Environment Day!

Check for yourself how green buses and coaches are and make the Smart Move to reduce your CO2 footprint!

BusRates.com has received the White House seal of approval after being nominated for the prestigious White House Champions of Change programme "Transportation Technology Solutions for the 21st Century" awards. The company is also set to launch a new smartphone app.
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Smart Move at the 7th Euro-Asian Road Transport Conference
The IRU 7th Euro-Asian Road Transport Conference, bringing together political and business leaders from 40 countries across the region and taking place in Amman from 12-13 June, has made the Smart Move by working with luxury coach transport provider The Jordan Express Tourist Transportation Company (JETT).
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