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Satisfaction guaranteed

Buses and coaches enjoy a 90% satisfaction rate because of the excellent services and benefits they offer at attractive prices.

Now, bus and coach passengers in Europe have a whole new reason to smile, with new passenger rights having taken effect since 1 March 2013.

Indeed, you are now entitled to assistance, reimbursement, rerouting, compensation, passenger information and much more whenever getting on board, everywhere in the European Union. This means improved service in general, particularly if anything goes wrong.

Another good reason to make the Smart Move!

Download the new app
, which puts these passenger rights at your fingertips free of charge!




     Know your passenger rights




  Download the operator's guide - PDF






Not convinced yet? Read more: 

Luxury on wheels
Good for your love life
Healthier, happier and more relaxed!
Satisfaction guaranteed
From apps with love
Even VIPs take the bus


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