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A About HLG About HLG About HLG Accessibility Accessibility Added Value Added Value Added Value Added Value Affordable Best Practices Affordable Facts and Figures Affordable Resources Affordable Videos Agenda Aktuelles All- India Smart Move High Level Group App helps you look before you book Awareness Awareness Awareness

B Best Practices Best Practices Best practices for business managers Beste Praktiken Beste Praktiken Bonnes pratiques pour les décisionnaires politiques Bus bleibt laut Umweltbundesamt unangefochten Klima-Primus im Verkehr Bus vs. car: show me the money Buses and coaches for efficient mobility! Buses are lifelines to work and school Busschnellverkehr

C Creating jobs and boosting economies Cutting emissions like a Samurai warrior

E East Africa Community Smart Move High Level Group Efficient facts and figures Efficient Resources Efficient videos EU Smart Move High Level Group Public Debate - Programme & Registration European Citizens' Mobility Forum Members European Citizens' Mobility Forum Even VIPs take the bus Events Calendar

F Facilitation Fewer cars = fewer accidents Fighting congestion From apps with love

G Get involved Get resources Good for your love life Green Best Practices Green Facts and Figures Green Resources Green Videos Group travel for maximum efficiency

H Healthier, happier and more relaxed! High Level Groups HLG Members HLG Topics & Deliverables Home How can I make the Smart Move?

I Ihr Profil ist nun aktualisiert worden Industriepartner Information and new technologies Information technologies Information technologies Informationen und neue Technologien Infos - Smart Move Partner Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure IRU IRU Bus Excellence Award IRU City Trophy Award IRU Coach Tourism Innovation Award

K Kalender Kontaktieren Sie uns Kraftomnibusse für benutzerfreundliche Mobilität! Kraftomnibusse für kostengünstige Mobilität! Kraftomnibusse für sauberere Mobilität! Kraftomnibusse für sicherere Mobilität! Kraftomnibusse, der Smart Move! Kraftomnibusse, der Smart Move! Kraftomnibusse, der Smart Move! Kraftomnibusse, der Smart Move!

L Latest green technology and services Long distance travel for budget-conscious travellers! Luxury on wheels

M Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Medienpartner Mehrwert Members Most cost-effective way to travel

N Nur für Partner

P Partner Profil aktualisieren Promotion Promotion Promotion Publications

Q Qualität und Zufriedenheit Qualité et satisfaction Quality and Satisfaction Quality and Satisfaction Quality and Satisfaction Quality and satisfaction

R Real pros behind the wheel Reichen Sie ihren Smart Move ein!

S Safe facts and figures Safe resources Safe videos Safety Safety Satisfaction guaranteed Security Sicherheit Silent but friendly Smart Awards Smart bookshop Smart High Level Group Smart Move Beste Praktiken und Initiativen der Industrie Smart Move Nachrichten Smart Move Veranstaltung Socially connected: no one left behind! Spread the word

T The safest way to travel by road Ticketing Ticketing Ticketing Ticketing Ticketing Ticketing Topics

U User-friendly Best Practices User-friendly Facts and Figures User-friendly Resources User-friendly Videos

V Verdopplung des Einsatzes Vielen Dank für diesen Smart Move! Vorschlag für ein Aktionsprogramm 2015‑2025

W Werden Sie Unterstützer

Z Zugang

Ü Über die Kampagne

1 10 reasons to make the Smart Move

2 2013 2015

7 7x safer than the family car
